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Fountain Hills Process Server

Fountain Hills’ Top Rated Service Of Process

We have a reputation in Fountain Hills as the best process servers around. Our experienced team of servers is determined and will get the job done even if it requires things like stakeouts. They can find people even if they are not in their listed location. We do the job quickly and we get results. That is why people continue to use our services time and time again. Whether you have a divorce order or an order of protection, we will get it wherever you direct us. Our rates are very affordable and we have no hidden charges.

First Step Contact Us Fountain Hills Process Servers

Contact ASAP Serve BY phone at (480) 821-1552 or by filling out our contact form to discuss your particular needs.

Second Step Request Service With Fountain Hills Process Servers

Fill out our service request form and attach the appropriate documents to get your legal documents served.

Third Step Submit Payment Fountain Hills Process Servers

Submit payment online via PayPal, check, mail with the documents for service, or other method of payment.

Local Service Of Process In Fountain Hills

There are many different cases in Fountain Hills and they require different court documents. ASAP Serve can handle all of them – writs, subpoenas, complaints, summonses, or anything else. Our servers usually can get the documents to wherever they need them within a day … and you will be notified as soon as it happens.

We will tell you exactly how much it costs and we never tack on any extra fees. What you are quoted is what you will pay. We explain both mileage and printing fees up front. If the person that is being served is not at their indicated location, our servers will use things like skiptracing or stakeouts to find them.

Why Choose Our Process Servers for Your Legal Needs

We are ready to help you with your legal needs by getting any court documents to where they belong. We have experienced servers who thoroughly know the Fountain Hills area, as well as the local laws there and, will ensure that there is nothing that can set your case back. Contact us to learn more.

Fast And Reliable Process Servers In Fountain Hills

Fast & Qualified Service

We are glad to cover the whole Fountain Hills area for any kind of process serving needs. Contact us for help!

Fountain Hills Quick Status Report

Quick Status Report

You won’t be wondering about what is going on with your documents. We will notify you immediately when the document has been served.

No Surprise Mileage Fees in Fountain Hills

No Surprise Mileage Fees

No matter how far we have to drive, you won’t pay any more than the agreed-upon flat fee. That is our promise.

Papers Served For All Court Document Needs

Papers Served For All Court Document Needs

We are glad to help move the process of justice along as efficiently as possible. That means getting any court documents served quickly.

Process Legal Serves For Lawyers in Fountain Hills

Process Legal Serves For Lawyers

We do our jobs to the letter of local law. Our process servers know what can be done in Fountain Hills and will do just that.

Electronic Acceptance At No Charge

Electronic Acceptance At No Charge

Some places charge extra for the electronic acceptance of documents. Not us. You will pay the agreed-upon rate and that is it.

Fountain Hills Process Server Near You

Fountain Hills Process Server Near You

Qualified & Affordable Service of Process

You will get your documents served by experienced process servers and for a very affordable price. Contact us today to learn more!

Learn more about Fountain Hills Divorce & Family Law Legal Process Servers

Fountain Hills Divorce & Family Law Legal Process Servers

Fast Divorce Decrees, Child Custody & Support, Adoption

Do you need to get a divorce decree out quickly? Our process servers are just the ones to do that for you.

Learn more about our Fountain Hills Process Serves For Attorneys

Fountain Hills Process Serves For Attorneys

Service of Process, Court Filings, Research & More

Do you need documents for court filings? Our skilled process servers will do the job efficiently for you.

Learn more about the Additional Fountain Hills Documents We Serve

Additional Fountain Hills Documents We Serve

Subpoenas, Summons, Orders of Protection & More

Do you have a subpoena that you need to have served? Contact us at ASAP Serve. We will get the job done quickly!

Client Testimonials

Process Server Company With Five Stars-Rated Reviews

We know who to call!

"When we hired you company to serve the Injunction Against Harassment, I had no idea it would be served that very night! Thanks again, I hope we never need to use your services, but if we do, we know who to call."

5-Star Review


Ronald S.Phoenix "Great communication, timely serve, received Proof of Service faster than my local process server. Highly recommended! We wish they would open an office in San Antonio."

5-Star Review

John was extremely helpful.

Ramiro M.Tucson "We appreciate the honesty and willingness to help. We have had 2 excellent experiences with ASAP and would highly recommend them. They made difficult situations much easier."

5-Star Review

They go out of their way to make sure the client is satisfied.

Gary D.Chandler "The staff at ASAP Serve in Mesa are very easy to communicate with and is great at following up regarding their process serving when requested."

5-Star Review

Your flat rate policy has saved our clients money!

"When we switched to ASAP Serve, LLC, we knew right away this was an upgrade from our last process serving company."

5-Star Review

The strategy you mapped was a great plan!

"We appreciate your willingness to provide the most cost efficient service, on this otherwise complex multiple defendant serve."

5-Star Review

Highly Recommend!

New York
"I appreciate the communication we had when my divorce papers were out for service. I told you this would be a challenge! You found and served him where others had failed."

5-Star Review

Highly Recommend!

"We are thankful you serve and mail our Forcible Detainers when you say you will. Thanks, and keep up the good work."

5-Star Review

Highly Recommend!

"Fast responders and highest professionalism."

5-Star Review

Highly Recommend!

"Thanks for serving the child support papers in such a timely fashion. It’s no wonder you are called ASAP Serve! "

5-Star Review

Highly Recommend!

New Mexico
"Thanks, John, for your ability to get my Order of Protection served in a timely matter."

5-Star Review

I’ll be contacting you again!

"Just wanted to thank you for doing such a great job for us serving the Summons/Complaint."

5-Star Review

Affiliate Programs

Contact Our Process Servers Serving Fountain Hills Today!

Our profile with servenow, a directory and reseller of process server services.
Our profile with the National Process Servers Association
Logo for the National Association of Professional Process Servers
Logo for the Arizona Process Servers Association

Now Serving Colorado!

We proudly serve attorneys, courts, and the general public in Denver, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Pueblo and throughout the Rocky Mountain Front Range.

Speak with an ASAPServe representative from Colorado today!