Serving Legal Papers On A Business, All You Need To Know When people think of a lawsuit, they usually think first about individual people being involved, such as in the case of a divorce or a custody dispute. But in many cases, businesses are named as parties to a...
Why You Should Hire a Process Server To Serve An Eviction Notice To Your Problematic Tenant If you’re a landlord, you know that dealing with troublesome tenants can be a complicated and difficult position to find yourself. In order to prevent legal problems for...
Strategies & Other Ways To Deliver Court Documents Process serving is a legal procedure in which the plaintiff of a lawsuit formally gives notice of their legal action to the defendant. This gives the defendant official notice of the reason for the lawsuit and...
The Importance Of Court Papers For The Lawsuit Process When a person brings a lawsuit against another person, the law requires that the defendant be served paperwork that includes a notice of the court action, including the reason for the lawsuit and a date to appear...
What To Avoid When Getting Served With Legal Documentation If you are getting served with legal documentation, you should first look at some of the common mistakes to avoid. Process servers are not entirely error-free, but you can also make some mistakes during this...